Harvesting Sustainability: Achieving Net Zero Water in Indian Industries

The concept of net zero water is gaining significant traction within the industrial sector. It signifies a paradigm shift towards water stewardship, aiming to minimize water withdrawal and maximize reuse and recycling within an industrial facility. By achieving a net zero water balance, industries contribute to water security, environmental sustainability, and cost reduction

HowtoAchieve Net Zero Water

Reaching net zero water requires a multifaceted approach, encompassing various strategies:

Water Use Reduction

  • Implementing water-efficient technologies in processes and equipment.
  • Optimizing production processes to minimize water consumption.
  • Practicing leak detection and repair programs to prevent water losses.

water efficient technology

Water Reuse and Recycling:

  • Treating wastewater to a suitable quality for reuse within the facility.
  • Employing rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling systems.
  • Utilizing innovative desalination technologies for specific applications.

UtilitaaS ValuePLUS

Alternative Water Sources:

  • Exploring the use of treated wastewater for non-potable applications.
  • Utilizing harvested rainwater for irrigation and other non-critical tasks.
  • Implementing seawater desalination for industrial processes in coastal regions

Case Studies:

Interface, Inc., a leading carpet tile manufacturer:

  • Achieved net zero water status in 2010 through a multi-pronged approach.
  • Reducedwater use by90%through process optimization and water-efficient equipment.
  • Implemented aclosed-loop recycling system that reuses 98% of process water.
  • Utilized rainwater harvesting and a sophisticated water treatment system.

The Coca-Cola Company:

  • Has set ambitious water stewardship goals, aiming to return 100% of the water used in its beverages back to communities and nature.
  • Implemented water-efficient technologies in its bottling plants.
  • Collaborates with farmers to promote sustainable water-saving practices in agriculture.

The Dow Chemical Company:

  • Reducedits water footprint by 50% since 2005
  • Implemented innovative water reuse and recycling technologies across its global operations.
  • Invests in research and development of sustainable water management solutions..

ITC Limited:

  • Aleading Indian conglomerate, has made significant strides in achieving Net Zero Water in several of its manufacturing facilities.
  • Throughrainwater harvesting, efficient water recycling, and community-based watershed development initiatives, ITC has not only achieved water sustainability but has also positively impacted the communities surrounding its operations.


  • Thecompany'spaper manufacturing unit in Telangana, serves as a notable example.
  • Throug hextensive water conservation efforts, the unit has achieved Net Zero Water, balancing its water use with replenishment measures


Achieving net zero water in industries is a continuous process requiring commitment, collaboration, and innovation. By adopting this approach, industries can contribute significantly to water security, environmental sustainability, and cost reduction, ensuring a more responsible and resilient future.

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